Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Poststructuralism & Social Capital - eek!

Thanks David for clearing this up. I see your point, and I'm wrong to label Systematic Review as 'tacit-lite'.
My journey to social capital comes via my postmodernist sympathies. As a card carrying poststrucuralist ( ! ) I'm critical of the traditional (dominant SoM perspective?) modernist notions of a unitary, 'centred' leader/manager/executive/knowledge-worker. I don't see much dialogue around here critiquing these modernist notions. I think there is mileage in treating the leader/manager/executive/knowledge-worker (basically & generally, SoM's consumer community) as 'de-centred', 'non-unitary' and 'polysemic', where they (sic) are dependent on social networks to give their management endeavours meaning - hence my interest in networked learning, networking & social capital. I agree with your definition of SC, especially with the happy link between cooperative and co-productive tendencies. In fact I'd not seen the link quite so clearly. The lack of substantiation around the link intrigues me and leads me to assume that this may be a commercially viable area of study, and a differentiated theoretical platform for leadership, management & innovation for SoM.


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